Monday, October 10, 2005

Fish Sticks Streaming Think ...

This my brother sent me the other day, I felt cornered by it ... share it! ;)


Whom God helps early bird ...

Who gets up early, sleep in the afternoon ..

Who sleeps in the afternoon, do not sleep at night ...

Who does not sleep at night, leaves the fuck !!!!!!!

Conclusion: God helps those who leave the fuck !!!!!!


God is love.

Love is blind.

Steve Wonder is blind. CHTMLX C

Therefore, Steve Wonder is God.


I was told that I am nobody.

Nobody is perfect.

then I am perfect.

But only God is perfect.

Therefore, I am God.

If Steve Wonder is God, I'm Steve Wonder!!

Hell, I'm blind!


Imagine a piece of Swiss cheese, those very full of holes

. The more

cheese, more holes.

Each hole took the place on what would have cheese. Thus, the

more holes, less cheese. The more cheese, more holes and how

more holes less cheese. Therefore, the more cheese, less



When we drink alcohol to excess, get intoxicated. When

we are drunk, asleep. When we sleep we commit no sin

When we commit no sin, we go to Heaven.

So we drink alcohol in excess to go toHeaven!


I think, therefore I am.

dumb blondes do not think, then there are the dumb blondes.

My friend says it's not control because it comes with a smart blonde.

If a smart blonde go out with my friend would be a fool. As

dumb blondes do not exist, my friend does not go with anyone. It

So my friend is control!.


Today, workers have no time for anything. Now

Ba ... hasn all the time in the world. Time is money.

Therefore, the bums have more money than workers.

If you got this far with reading, you must be rich ...



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