Sunday, February 19, 2006

Southpark Stream Tssk I keep looking for who I am ...

I also really seriously ... (Copied Fanficcionista LJ)

You Scored as Lana Lang . You are Lana Lang. While you Constantly Need to feel loved and Accepted by Those Who surround you, You Have a Hard Time Trusting Them Fully. You Believe That honest communication is the foundation of a good relationship.


Lana Lang


Lex Luthor


Clark Kent

Chloe Sullivan


Lois Lane

What Smallville Character Are You Most Like?
created with

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Anorexia Anxiety Medication I think that we are not happy ...

I think that we are not happy

(Write Marta Blanco) "timidly insinuated that culture is another way. That their gifts and efforts not only show the end of the party are the arts in the work human "

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That violence attracts violence is old stuff. From Cain's jaw have been dragging ass, giving to others in the name of some idea or, what is most disheartening, as perfect an ideal and luxurious in its geometry, which forces us to act possessed by the fury of the righteous.

try to reflect on freedom of the piece, this strange lwalking iberty prying into the sewers and sewage, this wonderful freedom we have given to look at others and deride, to destroy persons and goods, to dismantle and prestigious families, a task that has been devoted to determination singular a good portion of swarthy people with love for the truth, as they say.

Shameful is the balance of the last foray into the wild steppes of partial truths, so many air-sniffing detective. They have entered as if he owned the house from Members of senators, from minor to anonymous military also unimportant, from journalists to pedophiles. There is no indication that the fever of betrayal and espionage, investigation and reporting, is coming toend. On the contrary. Frightful wise increase of this curious Zion and all its inhabitants are potential spies inappropriate neighbor, the possible sinner. What gave as good humus Torquemadas harvest?

there enough information about the Chilean character as not to walk skirting the issue. The depression is endemic condition nationwide. Walk down the sidewalk. Hop on a bus. The subway. Enter a supermarket or a cinema. See the expression of misery, despair, fatigue. See also the extreme leanness and extreme fatness. A call thinness anorexia. A shoe fatness have the word morbid and with it the fat, at least, been able to speak from a monumental bodies and solitary. Look at the eyes ordren and adolescents. All are sad sick people who do not make a dent the party culture. What happens to us?

timidly insinuated that culture is another way. That his gifts and efforts do not occur only at the end of party are the arts in human affairs. That culture is restraint, originality, capacity for improvisation, creativity and coordination. It is not a capital city culture that suffers a monumental block in the artery more active in peak hours. Hordes of pedestrians anxious to start trying to run thirty blocks to try to get to work. What happened? No one reported the work of the Metro, the road junction of Amerigo Vespucci, the rain water collectors. Engineers (but not the sugar) to enteron with their bulldozers and efficient and the toletole armed with self-confidence of those who only understands that it must fulfill its own goal. The others did not exist in your horizon.

days before a blackout left in the dark over a third of the country. Twenty thousand subway passengers were evacuated through tunnels and over three hours nobody knew what was happening. In the telephone company informed me that there had been an earthquake in Valparaiso. But it was more simple: a technician with stress does not know what to lever press and was wrong. I have nothing against a technician with stress. Just suggesting that we say is very technical.

Who remembers the hysterical crusade of machines to sell tickets ins micros? That debacle cost several million dollars and no passengers learned to use them, or drivers stopped selling tickets. The machines now clog a warehouse and no one spoke more about the subject.

Why speak of railway accidents. Transplants that have no place. Of the children who carry guns to schools. Of wildfires in the major department stores.

These acts outside any method, these permanent ablutions in the error are a hazardous characteristic. They say most of the national character that many accomplishments. They speak of improvisation and the air of Far West that is gaining Santiago. "Are we in Chile," said taxi drivers, which are an invaluable measure of la real fact.

between, the programs in which journalists and entertainers provide free entertainment in their lives in public, telling their love (not usually last long), their hatred (which seem to last longer), and they invite each other to tell their sexual achievements or remorse, while some young ladies gold shoes have their lives laid bare like the Mata Hari. Some political novice

legislate confused with the magnifying glass for Sherlock Holmes, running after any crumb of corruption, depravity or commitment. Several Catones were red-handed. That is, that legislators be confused legislate extra salary. How to not cache one, the Senate appointed an ethics commission that they are rayandor the court to see if they learn about their tasks.

With these ingredients, although there are good ingredients, no wonder depression, stress and anger of the Chilean collective. While doing their best to the dignity of their families, the country has made a cult of slander, espionage duty and moral destruction of people "before the law are found guilty," one of the most profitable communication. Ojo

jerky: in Chile the bombings are not borne by bin Laden. Osamas thousand indigenous terrorism exercise moral or banal. If this is culture, that Mohammed confessed caught us.

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Marta Blanco - 23/11/2003

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Makeup Vanity Blue Prints Building around here ...

I do not know, I had the wea and came to see what happens LJ ... should be on the other side and nobody caught me ... So we'll see how it is here ... That for the moment
