Friday, April 15, 2005

Shingels More Condition_symptoms Just Because


!!!!! I'm flying through the clouds, I do not know why, but ... so am I!. Just finished writing a reply to Walter ... I hope q do not think anything because I sent a "je te aime" hehe ... aunq not know who I am porq no name put out there ... imagine that is me. Wal same is true of liberal and cornered, is not going to pay much attention to that ... I think! or-0 hahaha! Up in the re phrases fotolog wrote a beautiful and "I think tanso (read it: to think) that could be for me" and I was melting like ice cream in the summer sunshine (buah. poetic .. q q I am today .. . pppfff)

Okay, i gotta go .... we'll be seeing later ... i think so: p

Kisses !!!!!!!!!!! mon amour

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Lobster Causing Leg Pain [.. I sewed your soul to my canvas ..]

red drops of moisture to write

naked virgins

will only be ours.


Audioslave - Be Yourself Someone

falls to pieces sleepin all
alone someone kills the pain Spinning in the silence

to finally drift away someone gets excited

in a chapel yard Catches a bouquet Another
Lays a dozen white roses on a grave

To Be Yourself Is All That You Can Do
To Be yourself is allThat You Can Do

Finds someone
and salvation in everyone Another only fame someone tries

to hide themself down inside Their selfish brain someone swears

His true love Until the end of time Another runs away

Separate or united?
healthy or insane?

to Be Yourself Is All That You Can Do
To Be Yourself Is All That You Can Do
To Be Yourself Is All That You Can Do
To Be Yourself Is All That You Can Do You Can Be

and fading out Been pulled apart or

in love Every single memory of Could Have Been
faces of love Do not Lose Any

sleep tonight I'm sure will end up alright Everything
May you win love
CBut HTMLXC to Be Yourself Is All That You Can Do
to Be Yourself Is All That You Can Do

Friday, April 8, 2005

Party Favor Chapstick Summary of my 1 st week in the facu ...

Hey, it's me again! long time no?. The truth is I did not write because he could not tell, but Bue. Today

finished my first week on the facu, the truth is that he was pretty good, I talked to several girls, (there is even one who lives close to home) and met the teachers a little we have in this first cutrimestre : they are fairly cornered, that I, I can not say much ... just hope they do not end up being some old liners lol! In

story to the kids ... ha! there are several that are good over there, but not yet talked to any of them, or those who are partners, but well, you will arrive on time. In addition, before looking for something else I have to know well in what is "this, thatis nothing, but looks much "(haha, go name ...) with Walter. I the truth is that it re want, and I would love to give something to, we do not see myself with another person who is not walter, but the truth is that I do not know how to follow the thing what to say to come alive and tell me something, anything!! even if you only want me as a friend, at least so I pull weight off ... bah, no more but a big question * sigh * life!

Well, je ne se pas to write juajua! (a small mix of languages)

I better go before that puts me to write pelotudeces

Good bye ..... ....... ....... Au revoir Chausis
